Some people are what I call Magicians. Read on to find out if you are one.
First the Rant: Conventional Descriptors of Soul Purpose are Not Enough
Most people who come to me believe or feel that they are lightworkers, that they are here to be of service to the world in some way. However, they also tend to be unsure of exactly how they are meant to be of service.
This happens partly because -- in my opinion -- we have a lack of formal terms to describe the kinds of energies that different types of people carry and the specific ways in which they naturally impact the world just by being themselves.
Sure, we have general terms such as 'coach', 'counsellor', 'social worker', 'healer', etc. However, these terms are extremely broad and don't always capture the unique range of gifts that each individual truly brings to the transformation process of their client.
Conventional loose descriptions also don't allow for you to describe yourself to others in a way that feels true on the deepest level to yourself and to others. You might be a coach, but what do you embody that both you and your clients can intuitively and instantly feel is true of the type of transformation you deliver to others?
My goal in this article is to help ameliorate this issue somewhat by introducing and refashioning a new term to help my clients and students (and secondarily anyone who is interested in soul purpose) make sense of the different types of lightworker gifts and types that exist. This term is: The Magician.
Magician - Demystifying the Magic
The Magician is a well-established archetype which people usually tend to describe in highly mystical language.
For example, in the book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Discovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine, Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette talk about the Magician as someone with secret knowledge. As they explain:
“This secret knowledge, of course, gives the magician an enormous amount of power. And because he has knowledge of the dynamics of energy flows and patterns in nature, in human individuals and societies, and among the gods—the deep unconscious forces—he is a master at containing and channeling power.”
Yeah, okay. Extremely colourful, dramatic, nice literary flourish, and perhaps true on many levels (I do want to give credit to the authors after all for the large amount of research they must have no doubt done and the insights they derived in this seminal work). But, is it ... useful?
Let's switch instead to some extremely common and mundane expressions which give a much better sense of what the energy of a Magician means in practice...
He does magic with food!
The bathroom pipes are fixed! What magic!
What magic did you do to move that project forward???
He was magically persuaded by her to undertake this unconventional stunt.
A Magician is someone who instinctively knows the exact combination of things needed to make something happen and who has the ability to provide/summon up/direct the inclusion of those things.
Basically, a Magician has the ability to make stuff happen where others could not, or make stuff happen at a higher level of functioning. And because other people didn't know what to do to make it happen, they call it 'magic'.
You could be a magician-counsellor, a magician-coach, a magician-healer, etc. None of this detracts from the basic point that in essence, your gift is to be able to know what ingredients are needed to obtain a certain goal, and help bring in those ingredients.
And in case it isn't clear by now, a Magician can be a man or a woman, despite popular imagination.
Varieties of Magicians
The different varieties of magicians derive from the types of things and energies that each Magician is most connected with and works with most instinctively. Remember, part of what makes a Magician is their ability to not just know but also to bring in the right types of energies that are needed to make something work.
A Plant Magician knows and connects with the properties of each plant. Thus, a Plant Magician and will bring together the right combination of herbs, spices, and plants to help their client manifest a goal. I have heard that plants are exceptionally good for assisting with emotional healing and balance, so when you visit a plant magician, you would likely set a goal related to the emotions, e.g. to "heal grief that I still feel in my body", "increase my happiness twofold'.
A Rose Magician will use the knowledge, wisdom and energies of the Rose to help create transformations in the areas of your life you want. The energies of the Rose work particularly well with the heart, and also with esoteric development. So if you have issues with love, self-love, healing heart wounds, or if you want to open up your ability to speak with Ascended Masters, you might visit a Rose Magician. The Rose Magician will bring in the precise combination of energies from Roses to help you with what you want.
Tangram Magician uses the pieces of a Tangram to you piece together the energies needed for an outcome you want. Tangram magic works on the soul level, so if you want soul level shifts, you would visit a Tangram Magician.
There are probably as many types of magicians as there are things in the Universe. E.g. Wood magician, food magician, Hebrew letters magician, etc.
Magicians in Secular Life
Magicians also work their magic in day-to-day life! Unlike their esoteric and nature-based counterparts, some magicians could be more connected to energies of the day-to-day running of things on the physical plane. These magicians are whizzes at functioning in the 3D world, and could be very gifted in running organizations, teams and businesses.
For example...
Organizational magician. You know how to put things together to make an entire organization work. You know how many different types of departments need to exist in an organization, what each department should be doing, and how the different departments should work with one another.
Human resource magician. You know the exact people to put together in a team to make the entire team functional well in delivering its goals. You know who needs to be the leader, who needs to be the deputy, who needs to work on technical matters, who needs to provide big-picture thinking, etc.
Troubleshooting magician. You know how to reshape and rejig things in order to patch holes and fix problems that come up.
Are you a Magician? Think of whether there are one or more areas of your life where you tend to have the habit of somehow being always able to arrange things in a way that makes things work. And not just that, you instinctively know you can make it work.
I hope this has expanded your view on the types of 'lightwork' people could be doing and the diverse domains where they could be applying their skills!
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