Galactic Explorations

Galactic Explorations

Check Out Gil's Book

Finding Yourself - Activations from 7 Star Races

Receive 7 activations from 7 different star races for heart knowing, entering into pleasure, understanding yourself, and more. Available here on

Private Training with Gil

Receive training in special subjects related to the Milky Way Galaxy, for example, Galactic History, Galactic-Akashic Records Reader Training, Galactic Travel Guide Training, etc.

If you have any special interests in galactic subjects, please ask if there is a training possibility for you.

Explore the galaxy.

Have you always been curious about whether we are alone in the Universe?

Answer: We are not.

For many thousands of years, our civilization on Earth has been insular - largely unaware of other species of beings not from Earth even as we have been visited and observed by them.

If the galaxy and extraterrestrials interests you, viz.:

  • You think you are from somewhere 'Not Earth'
  • You know your soul purpose has something to do with the Galactic Federation and 'Non-Earth things'
  • You enjoy looking at the stars and wondering what lies there 
  • You are attracted to reading about and looking up different types of extraterrestrial Beings 
  • You would LOVE to travel to other planets (Ooohh...! you go)
  • You are a big star trek, star wars, or sci-fi fan

Visit the Galactic Federation Embassy website here. (You will be taken to another site)

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