In this article, I share my story of how I came to be doing what I am doing now, and what needs to happen for someone to get on purpose.
My students often ask me how I started on this path.
The surprising answer: This path started because I got lazy.
You see, if you leave me on autopilot, my instincts are to be a super-doing go-getter. Somewhere around 2017-2018, I had huge plans to do a lot of things. There were all kinds of things to be done, more skills to be acquired, lots of people to meet, a ton of things to improve everywhere. It was also highly-stressful.
The stress got to such a boiling point that one day, I woke up and simply decided that all of this was too effortful. This whole exercise of trying to develop my own plans and do a lot of thinking and go-getting was not bringing me a lot of joy or ease. Trash all of that. What I was going to do instead was to sit around, do nothing, see what inspiration comes, and see where that would lead me.
I literally let go of everything I thought I wanted to do and everything I thought I was supposed to do... and just waited. You can say I joined the #lieflat movement before it become popular post-2020.
What came next was nothing short of astounding to me. I began to receive messages and visions, directions for self-healing, and later on, downloads of tools and technologies to improve human life. Star beings showed up to tell me about themselves. All of which I wrote down meticulously because it was all so fascinating to me.
By mid-2019, I completed and published my first book - Finding YourSELF for Starseeds and Lightworkers: Activations for Awakening To Your Galactic Presence, which continues to sell very well even till today, and for which I get compliments from people all around the world. By early-2020, more galactic-themed classes and materials came, including the Galactic Travel classes. Thereafter came the soul purpose work, Buddhic, DNA work, and more, continuing to this day.
By 2021, I was not just teaching my work to other people but teaching other people how to teach my work to other people. By 2022, I was teaching people how to develop their own work.
A Balance of Action and Stillness Is Needed
While I generally think it is a good thing to be committed to your goals and projects, to put in the the effort and take the action steps that are needed, I sometimes think there is such as thing as being too hardworking. You are exerting too much effort trying to do too many things to the point where you're missing out on the inspiration and guidance the Universe (and your guides, angels, other higher realm support) are trying to give you. You're running around so much that the Divine can't catch you for even a few moments to talk to you.
Very often therefore, when I am working with students on psychic abilities, channeling, esoteric stuff, I spend a significant amount of time just teaching their auras to sit still so they can receive information. Their energy field has to be taught (through energetic downloads) how to go into a receptive mode.
Reflection exercise: How does the action-stillness scale currently tilt in your life? Do you need more action? Or do you need more stillness? Do you need to be penning down more things to DO in your calendar, or do you need to be organizing more quiet do-nothing time for yourself?
The Crucial Act of Letting Go
Sometimes, the path is lying right in front of you but you don't see it. Why? Because you're too vested in what you think you need to do, who you think you are, who you believe you're meant to work with, and what you already have right now.
Consider this: Are you going to be okay if you are told that your purpose lies in the 180-degree direction from the things you think you want to do? Are you going to be okay working with unexpected types of people? Relocating to a completely different place? Making an unconventional financial investment?
More crucially, can you let go of long-held identities? What if I told you that you're not a Starseed? Or not an 'old-soul'? Or that you're not supposed to be a healer but a politician (hey, we need need people to run countries too)? Can you accept that? Are you able to let go of what you think you are and truly accept yourself as you are?
Reflection exercise: What kinds of activities, people and identities are you currently vested in and are you able to let these fall away -- if it turns out that they are NOT part of your purpose?
Qualities that Open Doors
As a matter of universal law, your purpose will always call out to you in some way. Sure, you might not get full fledged intuitions, feelings or visions about what 'the big purpose' it is. However, there are likely some small steps that have already appeared in your life that are calling out to you in some way, shape or form. Say you have a path as a herb magician. It might be that you don't yet know you are one, but you might really enjoy cooking food with herbs and feeding people with herbs, and
When these small steps appear, what differentiates someone who will embark on them from someone who won't is whether you have what I call qualities that open doorways into the unknown.
For example, one quality I have that opens doorways down the rabbit hole is CURIOSITY.
Let me explain.
When I receive some guidance or inspiration, I sometimes into a reaction of: Really? Are you sure? You think I should do THAT?? Me? Whutt? You can say that I spend quite a lot of time in just sheer puzzlement at what is going on.
However, what usually happens is that I usually end up following through out of sheer curiosity about what would happen, and to explore knowledge or access to other dimensions of existence that I am given. In fact, one could argue that I've ended up exactly where I am today just through sheer curiosity.
And yes, sometimes curiosity kills the cat, such as when I receive so many downloads that my body fries for a while and I need to take time off to allow my physical form to integrate. Then I have to remind myself to go at a gentle easy pace since I am human after all.
You might not be as CURIOUS as I am, however it is highly-likely that you have some door-opening qualities of your own. For example, you might have...
This is of course a non-exhaustive list and there are no doubt other door-opening qualities that you might be able to think of. Which brings us to....
Reflection exercise: What qualities do you have that will open doors for you and lead you into the (good) unknown? What kind of qualities might you be able to develop to enable more open-ended exploration down unknown paths?
Concluding Remarks
If this article has resonated with you, then I invite you to also to consider this: What small or big steps can you take today to help yourself get more on-purpose?
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