Is it time for you to take on more - to do more and offer more for your friends, family and community? Here are some signs that it might be time for you to step up and do more in the world.
Sign No. 1 – Getting Antsy
It typically looks like this: You wake up in the morning and feel antsy. “Okay, perhaps it’ll go away once I get out of bed and get to work,” you tell yourself. You get into office and go about your day. Afternoon comes… and you’re still feeling antsy, irritated, and frustrated. You have no clue why. But, you manage to get through the day and by evening… YOU’RE STILL ANTSY. You still have no clue why.
You feel frustrated for no good rhyme or reason, and you get the sense that you need some kind of change, fullstop. But what change? You’re not sure. You are dissatisfied. You don’t know why. But you just feel it. These itsy bitsy irritations gnawing at you.
A feeling of what I call ‘non-directed dissatisfaction’ is usually Spirit’s first call to you. Spirit is trying to get you to recognize the need for a change.
Sign No. 2 – Things Around You Are Not Right
Another sign is you getting less and less patient, more and more irritated at things that are ‘not right’. Things which you used to be able to brush off before grate more and more on you now.
“Why are we pushing so much paper rather than actually focusing on getting our jobs done, delivering results, and creating happy customers?” You find yourself hollering out loud at everyone in the office. Your colleagues are shocked. “Why is she suddenly complaining about this? She wasn’t like that before,” everyone thinks.
You start having strong heartfelt opinions on things which are CLEARLY INAPPROPRIATE. And because of this, you have fewer and fewer qualms expressing your opinions out loud with your voice to others from your heart.
If this is happening to you, either (1) Spirit is calling on you to do something about what is inappropriate OR (2) Spirit is calling on you to leave a situation that is inappropriate for you.
No. 3 – Some Things Just Hit You
The third sign is being hit by things that trigger something in you, and for some reason, you remember the thing long after incident has passed.
You might overhear a conversation in the lift where one phrase or one word somehow sticks in your mind. Then, you hear that phrase or word again from someone else at lunch. The next day, you see that exact same phrase or word on a billboard as you’re driving.
Or, the Universe might send people who tell you things direct to your face. For example, about a decade ago, I asked the Universe for my soul’s purpose. Within the next hour, I was approached 3 times by 3 different people asking for directions as I was walking on the street. I certainly didn’t understand at that time that part of my soul’s purpose was to help people find direction… BUT, I was struck at how many people suddenly need directions that morning. I remember it till this day.
Have you been struck by something lately that resonates deeply with you? If yes, note it down. When Spirit is calling out to you, you will receive signs that trigger something inside you that’s just waiting for the right moment to sprout out. Think of this as a seed in you that was just waiting to be shaken up by the right word, the right sentence, the right person.
No. 4 – Stumbling onto Fun New Things
Another powerful sign of being called by Spirit to expand is that you suddenly find yourself doing something completely new and unexpected, and you 100% love it.
For example, your buddy the Italian chef invites you to be his chef’s assistant at a neighborhood cooking class. Despite not really being into it, you go anyway since he’s your friend and the class is taking place near your place. You end up cooking up a storm with a group of enthusiastic students who spill pasta flour all over their hands, faces and floor while having lots of fun. You enjoy this a lot more than you thought given your initial reservations.
When you first stumble upon a new activity, you might not think very much about it, much less that it might be related to your soul’s purpose. But if you love it, keep doing it! Because…you might discover later on that it’s related to something Spirit has in store for you. This is especially true IF this new activity or hobby is something completely unexpected, something you would never have thought of by yourself of participating in. Humour is part of Spirit and Spirit sometimes uses it to nudge people into expanding into new areas in their lives.
Pay Attention to the Signs!
Are any of these things happening to you? Pay heed! Spirit is calling on you to start the process of expanding into new areas and in new directions. Follow the signs and they may lead you down a path that is fun, exciting and unexpected.
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