Do you listen to or ignore your heart?
Can you hear your heart? What does it say? Or do you dismiss your heart and hand over energy to your pattern?
I admit, I’m one of those with a tendency to second-guess everything my heart tells me. Each nudge from my heart is met with, ‘Really? Oh…. I’m not sure. Well, maybe later.” The pattern kicks in and heart’s desire is ignored, put aside for another day, unheard. It usually takes me a while to come round to really paying attention, then making a conscious choice to follow-up on what I want. Yes, what I want. Because your heart tells you what you really want – not your mind, not your logic, and certainly not other people.
What’s in your heart? What do you feel moved to do and be for the world? For yourself? For your families? Do you want to build a house in the mountains? Have 10 kids and 5 dogs? Open a clinic to heal homeless people? Do you want to be President of your country? If it’s in your heart and you want it, GO FOR IT. Yes, I’m yelling at you here – GO FOR IT.
What’s in your heart is what you’re meant to create and build in the world.
Really? Why? Why should I trust what’s in my heart? Here’s the reason…
What’s in your heart is what your soul has put in your heart for you to create
In other words, if you’re feeling strongly about doing something, being something, having something, it’s not random. It didn’t get in your heart by some luck of the draw. It’s in your heart because your soul put it in there. You are meant to be moved by it into taking action on it.
And why does your soul put it in your heart, of all places? Why not your brain, your feet, your stomach, or gasp, your genitals? (The last is actually logical to me – they drive a lot of human action LOL.)
Your heart is a tremendous source of power.
Have you noticed how when you feel strongly about something, it drives you and gives you an immense amount of energy? People have endless amounts of energy when they’re motivated by what they love, whether it’s going hiking, reading, making pottery, standing up to an abuser who’s beating their kids, or working three shifts to feed the family. Conversely, if something is not in your heart, no amount of nagging, obligation, or pressure will stop your energy from fizzling out eventually even if you force yourself to do it initially.
When you are moved to do something from your heart, you have a strength and power that can move mountains. Your heart drives your manifestation and makes you do the impossible.
Whether it’s being President, creating a new political movement, starting a family, or even just writing a short book… if it’s in your heart, there’s an innate power behind it and you’re meant to get on it and create it physically. The seed in your heart becomes a sapling which grows into actions you take, people you gather to support you, and finally becomes fully manifest in your life.
So, what is your heart telling you?
Take a few moments and list down 3 things which your heart wants.
There – it wasn’t so difficult. Don’t second-guess it, don’t over-think it. Just respect your list the way it is and accept that this is your list. Don’t judge it either. Your list is your list, it is what it is.
However, you CAN:
Alright? Trust me on this.
Build the creation in your heart.
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