Private Online Retreat
Shift the biggest boulders in your life.
Private Online Retreat
Shift the Biggest Boulders In Your Life
Sometimes, the reason it hasn't healed or manifested is because you haven't completed The Journey.
You've gone for sessions. You've followed every piece of advice given to you by your teachers, coaches, healers, therapists. You've done your homework. You've grappled with it for a long time on your own, investing time, energy and money to solve it.
Yet, that thing that's screwing up your life remains stuck right where it is.
Perhaps it's...
...An addiction you've been trying to get rid of for ages
...A mental-emotional health challenge that seems resistant to therapy
...A disease that refuses to go away
...Being stuck in your spiritual growth
...A block to creating at higher levels
If there is a big boulder in your life that you've frustrated and tired yourself out trying to move with little or no success, it may be that you are being called to undertake The Journey.
Are you ready?
The Journey - Your Life's Journey Magnified, Fully Experienced and Accelerated in Earth Time
Every single desire that you have, every single goal, every single project that you have set up to complete, every single dis-ease that has manifested in your being, is an invitation to step into a journey towards a greater knowing of your true self.
In this journey of Life, you set goals, you embark on them, you encounter obstacles that you surmount and make you stronger, and obstacles that set you back and stop you in your tracks. Having the right set of tools and mind-sets to navigate the journey is critical to your success or failure. The right tools and mind-sets enable you to gracefully transform obstacles that come up in your way, ride the friendly forces that open doors up for you, and integrate gifts and blessings from the Universe that enrich the quality and enhance your enjoyment of your path.
In The Journey, you journey to your goals on the inner realms to make them manifest on the physical plane.
As within, so without. To have something show up on the physical plane, to have a healing show up in your physical body, you must first have it created in your inner realms and have its vibration showing up in your aura.
During The Journey, we:
What you encounter on The Journey is a mirror reflection of the blocks that are present in real life to your achieving your goal. By taking The Journey, you are dissipating these blocks, resolving inner conflicts towards your goals, and receiving supportive energies necessary for your success. Often, new gifts are also activated that change devitalizing habits and enrich you with new personality traits.
Thus, when you arrive at your goal at the end of The Journey, you have successfully done all the work that is necessary on the energetic planes to reach your goal. The effect of this is that you literally receive a powerful imprint of your goal into your aura, and it can therefore manifest on the physical plane, sometimes exceedingly quickly.
Any Goal or Issue can be the Subject of The Journey
It is important to note that anything at all could be a goal for The Journey. You are a powerful being. As soon as you set your intention, the Universe charts the course for and lays out The Journey to your goal. All you need to do is keep showing up and working with what comes up along the way to complete your journey successfully.
For some people, the goal is the physical healing of an illness. For others, it is the healing of emotional wounds, the healing of relationships, the healing of self-sabotage, or the healing of fears and obstacles to practical goals (e.g. public speaking, asking for a raise, making presentations, etc.). Yet others may want to activate new skills and qualities, such as confidence, or self-worth, peace, or mastery of certain aspects of life.
Some examples of Journeys that people have undertaken with excellent results include the following:
You can bring literally any challenge that you are experiencing or any goal that you want to attain to The Journey and receive enormous benefit.
It is also possible to take The Journey to receive specific powerful teachings, initiations and activations from Higher Realm Sources.
The Journey Private Retreat
When you come to The Journey Retreat, you come with an end in mind. This is the point that you are journeying to, the point towards which we plot your course.
Once you have defined your goal and set your intentions, The Journey begins. You will be taken to different stations where you will encounter beings who are part of your journey. At each station, you will interact with the Beings present. You will heal through obstacles and past wounds that come up. You will unfold the higher purpose, the hidden messages, the old wisdoms, and the secret gifts that are there. You also receive downloads and transmissions as appropriate to move through your life with greater ease, grace and wisdom.
You will be assisted during this process by your facilitator, by the higher realm guides and star beings who work with your facilitator – and also by your own higher realm support team – up until the successful completion of your journey.
You may also receive some preparatory assignments ahead of your journey to ‘gear you up’ (metaphorically), and also an important pre-journey briefing at the start of your first session.
Benefits of The Journey Retreat:
Requirements for Participation
The highest and most powerful magic of all in the Universe is the power of the human will to make manifest its deepest-cherished goals. It is the magic of showing up every single step of the way, holding fast to your intentions, and asking to be shown the way for it to be made manifest. It is also the magic of co-creation – of knowing when to put out your energy, when to receive from the Universe, and how to work with different beings and forces to materialize, enrich and transform your creations.
Do you have that spark of magic in you? We all do!
The requirements for participation:
Duration of The Journey Private Retreat
The length of The Journey differs for each individual, depending on the complexity of the goal to be attained or issue to be resolved, and the nature of each individual’s personal process. Some journeys take 2-3 hours, while highly complex journeys that involve massive healing or powerful breakthroughs of life themes may take 12 hours or even more. For complex goals, it is possible – and often desirable – to break your journey into multiple sessions.
Please discuss your goal with your facilitator, who will provide you with an estimate of the total duration needed to accomplish your goal. Do know that like journeys on the physical plane, The Journey times are subject to multiple factors, including the Journeyer’s own pace, and the estimated duration pre-Journey may hence vary from the actual Journey time.
The investment for The Journey depends on the duration of your Journey, with this being different for each person.
The Journey is not for the faint-hearted. Because of the intensity of the process and the high level of commitment required, it is recommended primarily for people with a strong will to resolving longstanding issues that have not shifted with other modalities.
The Journey is also available at the Practitioner Level for coaches and healers who want learn how to to facilitate The Journey for their clients.
Contact Gil to schedule your Journey today.
"My Journey took place over two days and it was PHENOMENAL. I was totally blown-away by how I got so much more than just a healing of my anxiety issue. Since the journey, I have been able to meditate longer, deeper, and more consistently. I have seen traditional therapists before for my anxiety problem and none of those conventional approaches have worked for me, but THIS DID."
-- JH, Entrepreneur, USA
"My psychic abilities improved. My healing has more power now. I feel stronger as well in claiming what I need and want. I can hear my guidance a lot more now. I notice I’m being drawn back to my natural talents with more intensity. Clutter cleared as well."
-- JY, Healer, Malaysia
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