Knowing something and being able to articulate it to a degree that you are satisfied with are two entirely different things. In this regard, I finally completed yesterday (6 August 2022) the mission statement of the Galactic Federation Embassy. The Embassy programme and its community has existed since 2020. However, it was only yesterday that I finally managed to put words to the exact purpose of it, which has been swirling around in my mind, heart and soul for some time. Part of the reason I felt challenged with this is because it involves explaining many interrelated things together -- the personal and the collective, Earth and the cosmos, why this project matters at our current time, etc.
I share the mission statement here for those of you who are interested in galactic issues.
What lies out there in the Universe?
Are we alone, or are there other Beings who are like us?
How many habitable planets are there out there that are capable of supporting intelligent life?
These are questions that we – like many others who are born on Earth – ask ourselves. We look up into the sky and wonder what it would be like to be on that star, or on that planet, or if someone is looking down from stars at us, watching and saying hello in ways that we don’t yet understand. Through our own limited methods – physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, chemistry – we attempt to measure quasars, black holes, planets, meteors streams, galaxies, and map the cosmos from our point of view on Earth.
The Universe fascinates us endlessly.
Why? Because we want to know our place in the cosmos. We want to know our meaning. We want to know: in the bigger picture, where do we as a species fit in. And once we have that figured out, where do I as a member of the species fit in.
Humanity’s Current Myopia
To explore the Universe, we need a telescope. We need big picture vision and a persistent curiosity to look outwards.
Most of the time, however, we do the exact opposite. Our day-to-day lives consists of running around tiny things, focused on our narrow personal concerns, the next person be damned. We fret about our hard-to-please boss, uncooperative colleagues, irritating family members, the Republicans, the Democrats, the ‘Third Party’, our Starbucks latte- you name it. We are myopic, narrow-minded, and inwardly-focused. Microscopic rather than telescopic.
As proof of this, we can look at the long-term trend of NASA’s annual budget, which we can take as a rough proxy for the amount of interest and resources we pour into space exploration.
NASA's annual budget since its inception, adjusted for inflation using the NASA New Start Inflation Index. The vertical axis displays NASA's total congressional appropriation in billions of dollars. The horizontal axis is fiscal years.
As The Planetary Society describes it:
So NASA’s budget has been flat since the 1960s at roughly $20-30 billion per year in inflation-adjusted terms. And this is even though the US economy has quadrupled since the 1960s. This means the share of resources being devoted to NASA has been falling.
What does this tell us? Basically, we cared the most about space when one group of humans decided that they had to beat another group of humans in a race. After the race was over, everyone lost interest and went home. We cared about space when we were in a race to establish our own dominance in the hierarchy of human race. NOT, as we might hope, for the sheer joy of exploration and discovery of the cosmos.
Can’t get smaller-minded than that!
Reclaiming the Big Picture – Looking Outward
What would it be like if, instead of navel-gazing at our little preoccupations, we realized that an entire cosmos lies out there, waiting for us to understand and explore? What would it do to our sense of who we are, what we are concerned with on Earth, and what we as a species should pursue as we live our lives? How would our personal problems look against the backdrop of an entire living, thriving cosmos?
A lot of the problems we have on Earth are caused by us lacking a sense of bigger perspective. As a now-famous Indian guru put it replying to an audience member who asked him how one should ‘build self-esteem’:
This is Sadhguru being characteristic tongue-in-cheek, in case you haven’t realized. The point being: take a break from your problems - there is a much bigger world out there!
Sometimes, all that is needed for things to shift, or heal, or (on a personal level) for us to feel better, is a gaining a sense of perspective. I’m sure you have experienced it yourself - as you grow bigger, your problems get smaller. Last year’s problems look small this year, they no longer bother you. We stop sweating the small stuff because we now see further, wider, larger. Things stop paining us when we realize we have much bigger and more enlivening fish to fry.
Purpose of the Galactic Federation Embassy Project
Helping humanity know a bigger picture is thus a big purpose of this project. To help you reconnect to the big picture in a more powerful, regular and easy way. To plug you in to the galactic community and through doing so, help everyone see the bigger picture out there.
There are many people helping with Earth transformation at this time. Some are healers, some are activists, some are speakers, influencers, etc. Here, we assist with Earth shifts by helping people – and humanity – gain perspective. A lot of the problems we have on Earth are caused by us thinking small, being cynical, believing what we know through our limited experiences represent all of reality, and projecting this onto the rest of the world. The message of the Galactic Federation Embassy is: chin up and look up! Stop being obsessed with piddling things and get perspective!
There is also a bit of an ‘exchange-student’ purpose. You learn things, widen your perspective and drop your judgmental attitude by going to other cultures and experiencing how other people actually live life and do things. We can extend this logic to inter-planetary exchanges. How do other types of Beings do things on their planets? What have they learnt about different ways of Being that might be useful for us here on Earth? What can they teach us that we can apply right now for ourselves and for humanity?
When you are exposed to a multiplicity of perspectives and wisdoms from different cultures, you stop thinking that you and only you have the right answer and everyone else is dumb, deaf, lying, sold-out, or _____ (fill in your judgment of choice). You stop thinking that you alone are great and righteous and realize that in every life lies a spark of creation, a spark of the source of all life.
Exchanges with other Beings humble the ego, open the mind and heart, and open up our possibilities as an entire species. Instead of reflexively delegitimizing and seeking to destroy everything we fear or don’t agree with, we learn to respect the value, wisdoms and histories of all forms of life, terrestrial or extra-terrestrial, organic or created. As we do this, we can then start to find peace and a loving modus vivendi amongst all the peoples of our own planet first and foremost.
What is the purpose of this project? Ultimately, it is about letting go of limited identities that keep us selfish and ego-dominated and doing this through our participation and involvement in something bigger. In our current era, we are at the first steps of this project and there is already lots to do!
Our first steps-
We do this in the spirit of play, wonder and fascination, staring in awe at the grandness of the cosmos. The easiest way to grow is for us to become like children once again, to become full of curiosity, non-judgment, and openness about everything. To experience the grandness of the cosmos, we must first become small again.
Join Us
If you’re ready to be a part of this movement, there are many things you can do. We have many free materials on this website that you can read and share with others. You can join our community to keep in touch and be informed when new things pop. You can take our free Galactic Travel course to learn how to travel to the planets in our solar system. Or, take one of the star race classes to learn about star races and receive healing techniques and activities that you can use to facilitate shifts for yourself and other people.
At the highest level of commitment, you can train to be a Galactic Federation Ambassador (details to be announced), where you will be able to teach others how to channel the Galactic Federation, travel inter-planetarily, and teach a variety of star race classes which include galactic healing techniques and activities.
Welcome to the Stars!
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