I-Ching: Transformation by Non-Doing

Gil Sim • August 15, 2022

We have a culture in the modern world that prizes extroversion, activity, being 'out there' and taking the lead to shape things, manifest things, and change things. So much so that when I tell some people that part of their soul's purpose is to slow down, avoid over-activity, allow other people to step up, and lead by holding space rather than by directing, I sometimes draw blank stares and sounds of incomprehension.

How will I ever get anything done, or change anything, or maintain control over my life? Is the common refrain.

Yet, the concept of creating change and finding the right path by non-doing is one that is strongly present in Eastern philosophy and metaphysical thought. It is present in many places, for example, in one of the seminal texts of Chinese metaphysics, the I-Ching. 

The I-Ching: 64 Ways of Change

The I-Ching is an ancient Eastern text that purportedly predates even the earliest histories of the Chinese civilization. You may know it by another name The Book of Change

Most people use the I-Ching as divinatory text where you ask a question then flip the book to get an answer. I prefer however to think of it as a systematic map of the 64 ways of creating change corresponding to 64 hexagrams that, once mastered, enable you to master yourself, master your external circumstances, and (at the highest level of mastery) master the Universe itself.

So, if you're looking to change something in your life, for example:  if you're trying to get a relationship to change for the better, trying to go from confusion to clarity, trying to heal a persistent issue that won't go away, trying to go from novice to master, etc. the I-Ching can sometimes offer very useful and unexpected guidance on what is needed to change things. 

Non-Doing In The I-Ching

The I-Ching contains a lot of advice on how to actively shape things in your life. It contains a lot of text about taking action, making your move at the right time, watching out for danger, resolving things, building things up, etc. In order words, it has a lot of advice on appropriate movement and activity.

Yet, it also contains plenty of advice about when it is appropriate to sit back, let go, trust that things will fall into place, and pretty much go into a non-doing state.

Take for example Hexagram 5 (Water on Heaven):

Hexagram 5: Strategic Pause for Things to Gather

Hexagram 5 is an invitation to give yourself space and time to reflect, to pause, to gather and cherish what you have already collected, and to hold the space for further inspiration and guidance to come in. It invites you to empty your spaces (e.g. your mental space, your emotional space, your physical space, etc.) for inspiration and new ideas from the Source to come in.   

The message of Hexagram 5 is that sometimes, the way to get what you want is to wait. Perhaps what you want is achievable, but not right now, no matter how much you work at it. It could be that the right teammates for a project you want to undertake need more time to prepare before they come forth for you. It could be that you are in the process of gathering more skills and experience before you can make something happen. It could also be that you need to pause and wait for other people to catch up with you if you are running too fast ahead of everyone with a new concept or paradigm.

In other words, sometimes, there is no point trying to push the energy. Wait for the right things to gather and the situation will naturally transform. 

Another example is Hexagram 47 (Lake on Water):

Hexagram 47: Rest

Hexagram 47 invites you to enter into relaxation and pause – to do absolutely nothing. It invites you to stop doing what you are doing and rest. 

How often do we neglect to rest when we are excited about something we are working on, or on the flipside, fearful and stressed about not achieving our goals? Do you push yourself past the point of exhaustion or are you conscious enough of your own energy levels to stop when appropriate?

Sometimes, things are not happening because your energy has run out, even if you don't realize it yet. Rest and regain your energy, and momentum will start again.

My all-time favourite has to be Hexagram 51 (Double Thunders):

Hexagram 51: Letting the Universe Show the Way

Hexagram 51 invites you to let go of everything you are doing and everything you think you should do and let the Universe lead you step by step – because the Universe ultimately leads every single person to their rightful path. Let the Universe lead and go along with it. 

Hexagram 51 is a complete nightmare for people who like being able to plan out things, do things according to plan, and have things stick to plan. Hexagram 51 is the total antithesis of this. It tells you you can't plan or do anything you think you need or want to do because you've reached the limits of your skills and awareness. Hence, it is time to let a higher intelligence show you the way forward.   

Do you find yourself running in loops where no matter what you do, things always come back to the same point of non-progress? That's usually the sign that you've hit the limits of what you can actively do. You might want to let go, sit back and allow guidance to arrive from the Universe first before making your next move.    

You Might Need Some Non-Doing   

Creating change by non-doing may seem counterintuitive at first. We have to get past our patterns such as wanting to control things, wanting to feel like we can do something about a situation we don't like, and believing that everything requires an active solution. But it is always useful to ask yourself: is there a possibility here that I could be counter-productive?   

If something hasn't been working out well for you despite all your best attempts, it might be time to consider switching to some non-doing ways of creating change!

(Note: All texts of the I-Ching referred to in this article come from the version of the I-Ching that I rewrote and updated from the ancient text. It is available for purchase here.) 

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