DNA and The End of the Mayan Calendar

Gil Sim • July 13, 2017

On 21 December 2012, the Mayan calendar ended, and the world was supposed to come to an end. Or so it was said. 

Yet here we are, 5 years on, happy, healthy, and the world continues to chug along just fine. At the very least, nothing cataclysmic seemed to have occurred. 

Were the Mayans wrong? What actually happened? 

The answer: A cycle of the world ended, and we moved into a new cycle. This is according to the master healers of Mexico, a lineage that traces its descent back to the ancient Mayans, the originators of the Mayan calendar. 

According to these master healers, the Earth has undergone a number of cycles since the time of its creation. In each cycle, certain types of civilizations existed, and different types of genes were active in human DNA. For example, in certain cycles, genes were lit up that enabled human beings to be in active communication and work with non-corporeal light beings to create things on Earth. 

However, the flipside of the power to create was the power to destroy. These earlier civilizations eventually destroyed themselves as human beings abused their power. Many of the genes that the human race had then went dormant, hiding in our DNA until such time as the race matured sufficiently to have them turned on again. 

In the present cycle that began in 2012, we are destined to reawaken these dormant genes that are present in our DNA from ancient times and begin our ascent to another Golden Age of humanity. 

It is my belief that this will happen by itself over time, over the next century, over the next few centuries, over the next few millennia. Already within the span of a single lifetime, we have witnessed an incredible amount of change taking place in the world, in what we believe in and value as a civilization, and in the types of things that we are creating. 

Yes, this ascent will be a years-long process, and we will be called as a human race to face our shadows as more light is anchored into the planetary grid. 

And also, there are certain types of work (e.g. Advanced DNA Charts and Ropanium Activations) that we can do to help accelerate this process of lighting up DNA that we carried over from lives in earlier civilizations. 

Regardless, we are headed for a glorious future, and all we have to do is be willing to participate in this process as life brings us the opportunities to learn, heal, raise our awareness and create! 



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