The explanation I like best about how our DNA affects our lives and how it can be re-patterned comes from a book entitled “The DNA of Healing: A Five Step Process for Total Wellness and Abundance” by Margaret Ruby. I take the liberty of summarizing some of the key points below.
First, many of us think that our genes are what we were born with and they cannot be changed. In reality, our DNA is not a fixed code. Our emotions and thoughts affect our DNA every single day. Stresses in our environment that we have difficulty coping with (e.g. trauma, major life stresses) and other emotional experiences alter our DNA and literally affect our cells. Scientists have actually looked at the physical genes of stressed people and found that sections of their DNA get damaged, as compared to control groups.
Conversely, scientists have also found that sending positive thoughts to samples of DNA in solution causes the DNA to unwind in a healthy way that enables cell division. In one case, the person directing positive thoughts managed to affect the condition of the DNA even though the sample as half a mile away. Energy sent at a distance via focused intention affects DNA.
Second, apart from our physical traits, surprisingly, our DNA also determines our thoughts, emotions, attitudes and behaviours. How happy you are as a person, how you respond to situations, your personality traits, gifts and other non-physical qualities are determined by your DNA. Scientists have been able to link certain genes to some emotional qualities, e.g. a team of scientists in Barcelona discovered that a genetic mutation of chromosome 15 makes people more susceptible to panic attacks and anxiety disorders. This tells us that a psychological disorder is caused by a genetic mutation rather than a personality defect.
Third, we inherit DNA from our ancestors. And since our DNA affects non-physical processes as well as physical processes, this means that we inherit our attitudes, beliefs, emotions, thoughts and other patterns that influence our health, wealth and relationships from our ancestors. This can make changing some of our unwanted personality traits challenging because they come not from us but from many generations past. And we are not always aware of where our traits come from. A stressful experience that an ancestor had generations ago could have mutated the family DNA and be the cause of a certain pattern than you are repeating today. The trauma of a grandmother who drowned several generations ago could be the reason why you are afraid of water today.
Fourth, not all the genes that you inherit from your ancestors is turned on within your DNA. The key factor that determines whether a gene is turned on or off within you is the emotions that you experience. Sometimes, specific genes don’t turn on until something happens in your life to trigger them (e.g. a trauma), awakening an ancient ancestral memory that causes a new personality trait or illness to come to the fore. Genetic researcher Dan Winterton suggests that emotions create waveforms that interact with the double helix in a way that activates or deactivates genes. This explains why children born into the same family can have different personality traits and grapple with different diseases, depending on the emotional experiences that they have in their own lives.
Lastly, we can reset our genetic codes with healing techniques. Ruby’s book teaches a technique that involves getting to the root of the problem by locating where in your genetic line (i.e. how many generations ago) a belief was taken on that is interfering with your wellness or the accomplishment of a goal that you have, releasing that belief, and bringing in a new one.
In truth, the fundamental principle is that our DNA is affected hugely by the energies that are directed at it, with genes activating and deactivating all the time as we go through emotional experiences in life. That means that any energy healing technique sent with focused intention will shift your DNA, as will making active choices to stay positive and joyful, to respond rather than react to life, and to be disciplined in cultivating new healthy patterns and habits. The challenge with the latter is that you are often in an uphill battle against genes that have been in your DNA line for generations – genes that generate unconscious thoughts and emotions that sabotage your conscious choices. Thus, having someone trained in energy techniques for DNA re-patterning assist you can give you an immense leg up in shifting these complex factors in your journey of rediscovering your innate wholeness and abundance.
Apart from healing applications, DNA work can also result in the activation of genes that give a human being access to worlds-upon-worlds of multi-dimensional possibilities and abilities currently considered to be supernormal.
More on this perhaps, in another post.
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