Heal Your Deepest Pain
Heal Your Deepest Pain
End the deepest pain of your life.
Our souls carry deep wounds etched into the core of our Being which we can carry from lifetime to lifetime. Soul wounds are extremely deep pains which often determine what we are able or not able to manifest, do, be, or have. They also determine the kinds of people, places and experiences that we tend to limit ourselves to at the expense of living in infinite possibility.
Most people have 1 or 2 core wounds that they are carrying on the soul level. These wounds can manifest as recurring patterns of frustrations, irritations, or even angers that trigger when you encounter certain types of situations, people, and things in your life. They can also manifest as physical pain that calls out to you to be resolved, especially if the wound is ripe for healing.
Free Yourself of Your Deepest Limitations
In Soul Wound Healing, you experience a series of mini-sessions where new energies that are needed by your soul wound to heal are brought in over a period of time. We bring in ease, joy, and gentleness into your wounds, moving out irritation, inflammation and disease. Over the course of your sessions, your soul wound integrates the new energies and heals.
Soul wounds are huge and when a soul wound heals, fundamental changes can happen in your life in the way you live, in who you meet, in what you attract, and ultimately in the development of your spirituality and enlightenment.
Enquire at
info@gilsim.com for your personalized course of sessions to heal your soul wound or wounds.
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