Stop Going Round and Round
Stop Going
Round and Round
If you're going around in circles, you may be in a soul loop.
Many people go through life in circles.
A circle is a cycle of the same events that you experience continuously. It is as if your life is on auto-play and auto-repeat. Sound familiar?
You may notice that certain events or coincidences keep happening to you. You keep bumping into the same types of people. You keep getting fired from your job. Your dates always turn out to be assholes. You sink into depression every couple of months.
If you keep trying but failing to change things in your life, this might not be your fault. It might that you're experiencing a soul loop.
Signs that you're stuck in a soul loop include the following:
The main cause of soul loops is lack of perception leading to you repeating unconscious choices that keep you stuck in the same matrix of events.
When you have a soul loop, your soul is calling out for you to bring awareness to how your unconscious default choices are leading to repeated unwanted outcomes. Your soul is calling out for you to undertake the healing and commitments needed to shift the loop.
Benefits of achieving freedom from your soul loop include:
Soul Loop Breakthrough Course
Breaking through your soul loop is one of the most significant things that you can do for yourself. The Soul Loop Breakthrough Course is designed to help accelerate the pace at which you destroy your soul loop and shift into a higher level of soul vibration.
Part I : Your Loop Revealed
The first step to stopping a loop is to be aware of how it's occurring. As this is brought to your conscious awareness, you will receive insights about how you have been repeating the same things in your life and how you can henceforth change these patterns.
In Part I of your course, we will bring your loop to light as well as the action steps needed to shift the loop. You may receive guidance or assignments during this part of the course.
Part II : Healing the Loop
In Part II, you receive healings on different parts of your soul loop to assist you in breaking free from the loop once and for all. Unconscious patterns and choices are shifted as the healing reaches into the depths of your soul, opening up new pathways for your life.
This part takes place in one, two, three or multiple sessions over a period of time to fully shift you out of your loop easily and gracefully.
Commencing Your Course
The course is highly-personalized to each person. Hence, the duration and price of the course varies. A typical person will require 3 to 5 one-hour sessions.
If you would like to take the course, it is best that you contact Gil at for your personalized program and price.
For coaches and healers, this course is also available at the Practitioner Level where you learn how to work with your clients on their soul loops and perform soul loop healings. The Practitioner Course is conducted in 4 one-hour sessions and is available one-on-one or in small groups.
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