You are a Galactic Federation Ambassador.

And you want to have the proper training and knowledge to BE one.

Welcome to the Galactic Federation Ambassadors' Training Programme for Galactic Federation Ambassadors -- people who are here on Earth to help humans explore the Galactic Federation.

You already know stuff. Perhaps you have visions of planets lifetimes on other planets, or star beings come and speak with you periodically

Or perhaps you already travel the galaxy in your dreams and speak with galactic spirit guides.

You are keen to understand the meaning of all your visions, experiences and dreams. 

You might have tried watching a video here, listening to an audio recording there about starseeds and/or the Galactic Federation. 

And... You just REALLY WANT to train properly to do your job well. 

If this sounds like you, this comprehensive programme is for you. 

Module 1

Communicating with Galactic Beings

In Module 1, receive the training to communicate with all kinds of star beings in the Galactic Federation.

You will learn how to channel (i.e. speak with any party within the Galactic Federation) and also galactic beings who are already present with you as your spirit guides.

You also receive the downloads to train your clients and students to channel Galactic Federation beings and also train your students to teach others to receive information from their galactic spirit guides.

Module 2

Inter-Planetary Travel Guide Training

In Module 2, learn about the Galactic Federation and learn how to travel through the entire Galactic Federation.

Receive a visit to some of the councils of the Galactic Federation and learn about how and where the Galactic Federation works.

Learn to visit planets of the Galactic Federation independently and take your students and clients on planetary visits.

Module 3

Wisdoms of Star Beings

 Receive the downloads to teach 10 star being classes.

In each of these 10 classes, one star race comes forth to present themselves and offer their downloads and wisdoms to the class.

Learn healing techniques and activities in each of these 10 classes that you can use for your clients and teach to your students. 

Module 4 

Surprise Subjects

Depending on the energy of the class

Some surprise subjects may also be offered at the end of the programme.

These can be additional star race classes or special initiations or activations.

Pre-requisites for programme are:

(1) You must have taken an interview with me and I have assessed that you are suitable to take the programme

(2) Prior experience with working on clients on transformation or counselling/healing/social work matters

Contact me at if you are interested in taking the program and we will meet up for an interview.

Galactic Explorations

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